When Is The Time To Change Your Transmission Fluid?
Transmission fluid is like the Ronco Rotisserie; it’s a car fluid that is set and filled at the factory and quickly forgotten. Yet, your transmission fluid is as vital as your engine oil and ensures that you’re not sweeping up clutch shrapnel. That would be what we call in the industry, “A Not Good DayTM.”
Keeping a watchful eye on your transmission fluid, however, isn’t a monumental task, nor does it need be an everyday occurrence. In fact, you really only need to check your transmission fluid once a year. That said, if the time since your last transmission fluid check is “a while” to “never,”, you might have a horror show waiting for you.
Original Article Source Credits: Carbibles , https://www.carbibles.com/
Article Written By: Jonathon Klein
Original Article Posted on: Sep. 10, 2020
Link to Original Article: https://www.carbibles.com/when-to-change-transmission-fluid/